TBN CC #: 4879047
公佈日期 : 2024/09/23
採購單位 : 臺灣銀行股份有限公司
採購案號 : 113-11
採購名稱 : NYDFS Cybersecurity Requirements Comply, Audit, and Consult
決標廠商 :
廠商代碼 : 94998251
決標金額 : 新台幣
請登入會員 元整
預算金額 : 新台幣
請登入會員 元整
底價金額 : 新台幣 1,196,800元整
決標日期 :
採購名稱:NYDFS Cybersecurity Requirements Comply, Audit, and Consult
預算或預估採購金額:新台幣 元
廠商資格 : 除上述外之其他資格
1.1 The consultant company must have following qualifications and experiences:
1.2 Has assisted Financial Institution for 23 NYCRR Part 500 or other supervisory cybersecurity regulation compliance.
1.3 Has implemented information security management system, acquired ISO 27001:2013 or other similar certificate. Certificates shall continue to be effective during the project period.
1.4 The project manager must have following qualifications:
附加說明 : 未達公告金額之採購,爭議屬政府採購法第31條規定不予發還或追繳押標金之爭議,始得提出申訴。
1.5 At least 5 year experiences in information security management projects.
1.6 Acquired one of following certificates: ISO27001 Lead Auditor, Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), or Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP).
1.7 Team members of the project must have one of following qualifications:
1.8 At least 1 year experiences in information security management projects.
1.9 Acquired one of following certificates: ISO27001 Lead Auditor, Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), or Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP).
[Additional Description]
1. Bidder is required to provide due diligence documents specified by the procuring entity. The relevant due diligence documents may include cybersecurity related policies and procedures, company profile, company registration certificate, business contingency plan, and overall disaster recovery plan, etc.
2. For other specific requirements, please refer to appended “Request for Proposal (RFP)”
本案附加說明及其他相關重要公告資訊 : 未達公告金額之採購,爭議屬政府採購法第31條規定不予發還或追繳押標金之爭議,始得提出申訴。
1.5 At least 5 year experiences in information security management projects.
1.6 Acquired one of following certificates: ISO27001 Lead Auditor, Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), or Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP).
1.7 Team members of the project must have one of following qualifications:
1.8 At least 1 year experiences in information security management projects.
1.9 Acquired one of following certificates: ISO27001 Lead Auditor, Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), or Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP).
[Additional Description]
1. Bidder is required to provide due diligence documents specified by the procuring entity. The relevant due diligence documents may include cybersecurity related policies and procedures, company profile, company registration certificate, business contingency plan, and overall disaster recovery plan, etc.
2. For other specific requirements, please refer to appended “Request for Proposal (RFP)”