TBN CC #: 4087995
公佈日期 : 2021/04/06
採購單位 : 僑務委員會
採購案號 : 11002901
採購名稱 : 金山灣區華僑文教服務中心停車場路燈修繕工程
決標廠商 : 請登入會員
廠商代碼 : 473273511
決標金額 : 新台幣 請登入會員 元整
預算金額 : 新台幣 請登入會員 元整
底價金額 : 新台幣 279,346元整
決標日期 : 請登入會員


機關地址:100 S. Milpitas Vlvd., Milpitas, CA 95035
預算或預估採購金額:新台幣 284,200 元
廠商資格 :
需具備加州政府電氣承包商執照 (Electrical Contractor License)、勞工保險 (Workers, Compensation) 及責任保險 (Liability Insurance)。
附加說明 :
1.規格 Specifications: (1)燈架 Light Poles 2pcs: 25,Tall, 4" Square Steel, White (2)燈 LED lights 2pcs: 240 Watt, white light 2.施工方法 Construction Details: (1)移除靠入口處現有鏽蝕燈座Take down & Remove the 1 existing fixture from the pole near the entrance to the property. (2)中心前停車場兩座鏽蝕路燈重做燈座Rebuild two Parking lot light poles: 移除現今已鏽蝕之燈架,另鑽四個洞在原本水泥底座上,打入鋼筋加設新燈架。Cut off & grind down the existing anchors from both pole bases. Drill and install 4 new 3/4” x 16” 404 Stainless Steel Anchors into each of the 2 existing bases. Pull new THHN stranded #10 Wire inside 2 new 25’ Tall 4” Square Steel Anchor Base White Light Pole. Raise and Anchor down the 2 new light Poles. (3)架設新LED燈Install New LED lights: 裝設新LED燈,確保安全無虞並防止未來重新鏽蝕的可能性。確認智能時間控制正常工作無誤。Install 2 new NaturaLED 240 Watt White LED fixture, one on top of each new pole. Make sure no safety issue and prevent rusting issues in the future. Make sure daylight programing working properly. (4)清除回收舊燈、燈架等癈棄物Remove and Dispose both the off-site damaged/fallen 25’ Pole and the rusted 25’ Pole near the entrance to the property, as well as all other wastes. 3.保固 Warrenty: 產品依據製造商保固。承包商保固工程部份一年。All materials specified are to be the best of their specific kinds and will be installed within manufacturer,s guidelines. Products provided are warrented by the respective manufacturer,s warranty. Contractor provides a 1-year workmanship warranty. 4.其他Others (1)施工期必須配合中心時間施工 。 The construction time has to match the Center,s requirements. (2)承包商負責廢棄物處理 Removal of old materials and disposal of waste is required. (3)報價總金額為完成履約之一切費用,本中心不再支付任何費用。 The quotation of the total price should include all the expenses stated on the contract. No additional payment will be made besides of the sum state in this contract. (4)本案屬駐外機構辦理之採購,投標標價幣別及價金支付幣別均為美金。 (5)「截止投標」及「開標時間」為舊金山灣區當地時間。 (6)投標時請將投標單併同加州政府電氣承包商執照(Tree Service License),勞工工傷保險 (Workers Compensation) 及責任保險 (Liability Insurance)影本於截止期限前送達本中心。投標報價單內容應以中文或英文標示,密封之信封需標示投標廠商名稱、地址。 (7)本案採購金額及預算金額10,000美元,以公告前一辦公日台北時間110年2月9日台灣銀行網站美金對新台幣即期賣出匯率1:28.42折算為新台幣284,200元。 (8)備註 A. 依「中央機關未達公告金額採購招標辦法」之第2條第1項第3款規定,以三家合格廠商為最低法定標數,倘第一次公告結果,未能取得三家以上廠商之書面報價或企劃書者,將依同辦法第3條規定,改採限制性招標辦理。 B. 以合於招標規格,且在底價以內之最低標為得標廠商。 C. 標價於預算金額內之投標廠商,其最低標價超過底價時,得洽該最低標廠商優先減價一次,減價結果仍超過底價時,得由所有投標廠商重新比減價格,比減價格不得逾三次。 D. 兩標單價相同且均在底價之內而同為最低價時,其比減價格數未達三次者,應由該等廠商再行比減價格一次,以低價者決標;比減價之價格仍相同者,逕行抽籤決定之。
本案附加說明及其他相關重要公告資訊 :
1.規格 Specifications: (1)燈架 Light Poles 2pcs: 25,Tall, 4" Square Steel, White (2)燈 LED lights 2pcs: 240 Watt, white light 2.施工方法 Construction Details: (1)移除靠入口處現有鏽蝕燈座Take down & Remove the 1 existing fixture from the pole near the entrance to the property. (2)中心前停車場兩座鏽蝕路燈重做燈座Rebuild two Parking lot light poles: 移除現今已鏽蝕之燈架,另鑽四個洞在原本水泥底座上,打入鋼筋加設新燈架。Cut off & grind down the existing anchors from both pole bases. Drill and install 4 new 3/4” x 16” 404 Stainless Steel Anchors into each of the 2 existing bases. Pull new THHN stranded #10 Wire inside 2 new 25’ Tall 4” Square Steel Anchor Base White Light Pole. Raise and Anchor down the 2 new light Poles. (3)架設新LED燈Install New LED lights: 裝設新LED燈,確保安全無虞並防止未來重新鏽蝕的可能性。確認智能時間控制正常工作無誤。Install 2 new NaturaLED 240 Watt White LED fixture, one on top of each new pole. Make sure no safety issue and prevent rusting issues in the future. Make sure daylight programing working properly. (4)清除回收舊燈、燈架等癈棄物Remove and Dispose both the off-site damaged/fallen 25’ Pole and the rusted 25’ Pole near the entrance to the property, as well as all other wastes. 3.保固 Warrenty: 產品依據製造商保固。承包商保固工程部份一年。All materials specified are to be the best of their specific kinds and will be installed within manufacturer,s guidelines. Products provided are warrented by the respective manufacturer,s warranty. Contractor provides a 1-year workmanship warranty. 4.其他Others (1)施工期必須配合中心時間施工 。 The construction time has to match the Center,s requirements. (2)承包商負責廢棄物處理 Removal of old materials and disposal of waste is required. (3)報價總金額為完成履約之一切費用,本中心不再支付任何費用。 The quotation of the total price should include all the expenses stated on the contract. No additional payment will be made besides of the sum state in this contract. (4)本案屬駐外機構辦理之採購,投標標價幣別及價金支付幣別均為美金。 (5)「截止投標」及「開標時間」為舊金山灣區當地時間。 (6)投標時請將投標單併同加州政府電氣承包商執照(Tree Service License),勞工工傷保險 (Workers Compensation) 及責任保險 (Liability Insurance)影本於截止期限前送達本中心。投標報價單內容應以中文或英文標示,密封之信封需標示投標廠商名稱、地址。 (7)本案採購金額及預算金額10,000美元,以公告前一辦公日台北時間110年2月9日台灣銀行網站美金對新台幣即期賣出匯率1:28.42折算為新台幣284,200元。 (8)備註 A. 依「中央機關未達公告金額採購招標辦法」之第2條第1項第3款規定,以三家合格廠商為最低法定標數,倘第一次公告結果,未能取得三家以上廠商之書面報價或企劃書者,將依同辦法第3條規定,改採限制性招標辦理。 B. 以合於招標規格,且在底價以內之最低標為得標廠商。 C. 標價於預算金額內之投標廠商,其最低標價超過底價時,得洽該最低標廠商優先減價一次,減價結果仍超過底價時,得由所有投標廠商重新比減價格,比減價格不得逾三次。 D. 兩標單價相同且均在底價之內而同為最低價時,其比減價格數未達三次者,應由該等廠商再行比減價格一次,以低價者決標;比減價之價格仍相同者,逕行抽籤決定之。
